Tax Law and News ACA Requires New Form 1095 Source Documents Read the Article Open Share Drawer Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window) Written by Mike D'Avolio, CPA, JD Modified Jul 5, 2016 2 min read As a tax professional, you play an incredibly important role in helping your clients navigate all of the new Affordable Care Act (ACA) requirements and implications. There are several new source documents being introduced as part of ACA that require certain institutions to provide tax data to the taxpayer and IRS to assist in the tax prep process and to help track important information. The following is a quick overview of each: Starting Tax Year 2014: Form 1095-A: Health Insurance Marketplace Statement The Marketplace sends a copy of Form 1095-A to anyone who enrolled in a health plan with a copy to the IRS. This form provides the following information that is necessary for the taxpayer to compute the premium tax credit (Form 8962) and to determine whether or not the taxpayer is subject to the shared responsibility payment (ACA penalty): Monthly premium amounts Monthly premium amounts of the second lowest cost silver plan (benchmark plan) Monthly advance payments of the premium tax credit Health coverage for the year Starting Tax Year 2015 (optional for 2014): Form 1095-B: Health Coverage Statement Form 1095-B is issued by a 1) government-sponsored program, 2) eligible employer-sponsored plan, 3) individual market plan or 4) miscellaneous coverage plan. The document is sent to the insured individual and the IRS and provides information about whether the taxpayer, spouse and dependents had qualifying health coverage (minimum essential coverage) for some or all months during the year. Individuals with minimum essential coverage are not subject to individual shared responsibility payment. Form 1095-C: Employer Provided Health Insurance Offer and Coverage Statement Employers with 50 or more full-time employees are required to file Form 1095-C with the employee and IRS. The document includes information about whether the employer provided qualifying health coverage to the employee, spouse and dependents for some or all months during the year. Form 1095-C is used to determine the following elements of ACA: Whether the individual shared responsibility payment applies Eligibility of employees for premium tax credit Whether the employer shared responsibility provision applies (beginning in 2015) Good News for Tax Year 2014 The fact that Form 1095-A is mandatory for tax year 2014 is good news for clients who qualify for the premium tax credit, as it provides the necessary information to compute the credit. Since Forms 1095-B and C are optional for tax year 2014 and the IRS doesn’t expect many to be filed, it may be difficult for preparers to substantiate health care coverage, and consequently, determine whether clients are subject to the individual shared responsibility payment. According to the IRS, practitioners don’t have to obtain specific proof that their clients have adequate health coverage, but they should apply a reasonable level of common sense and do the best they can to make sure taxpayers are “representing in good faith” that they are covered. Previous Post 2014 Filing Requirements – Tangible Property Regulations/Change in Accounting Method Next Post How the Affordable Care Act Affects Your Practice Written by Mike D'Avolio, CPA, JD Mike D’Avolio, CPA, JD, is a tax law specialist for Intuit® ProConnect™ Group, where he has worked since 1987. He monitors legislative and regulatory activity, serves as a government liaison, circulates information to employees and customers, analyzes and tests software, trains employees and customers, and serves as a public relations representative. More from Mike D'Avolio, CPA, JD Comments are closed. Browse Related Articles Tax Law and News ACA Interactive: Interview Guide for ProSeries® Professionals Tax Law and News Affordable Care Act Update: New Information About Form 1095-B & 1095-C Tax Law and News Tax Year 2015 Changes to the Individual Provisions of the Affordable Care Act Tax Law and News ACA 2015 Guide: Everything You Need to Know When Preparing Individual Tax Returns Tax Law and News ACA Update – How to Know if Your Client was Insured in 2015 Tax Law and News Your Clients’ ACA Reporting Burden is Ripe for Automation Tax Law and News March 31: What Employers Need to Know About Health Insurance Reporting Tax Law and News What Does the Affordable Care Act Have to do With Tax Reform? Tax Law and News Enrolling in ACA Workplace Coverage can be Costly, but can be an Avoidable Tax Hit to Employees Tax Law and News ACA and Employers: How Workforce Size Affects Responsibilities