self employed


Why QuickBooks® Self-Employed Is Important to Accountants

Tax accountant at work

Helping Your Self-Employed and On-Demand Clients Implement a Great Financial Strategy

Advising Your Self-Employed Driver Clients: Don’t Overlook Lucrative Mileage Deductions


Coaching Your Self-Employed Clients on Taxes

tax matters for self-employed people

5 Financial Moves Self-Employed Workers Can Make Now to Increase Their Tax Deductions

Here’s Your Guide to Tax Help for Your Self-Employed and Sharing Economy Clients

TIGTA Recommends IRS Step Up Hobby Loss Examinations


Travel-Related Tax Tips for Your Self-Employed Clients

tax law and houses

Tax Tips for Real Estate Professionals Who Are Self-Employed


Above the Forms: Are You Ready for the Rise of the Sharing Economy?

tax professional during busy season

Simplifying Quarterly Taxes for On-Demand Workers

house tax law

Tax Implications for Airbnb Hosts