Client Resources

Financial Advisor

Diferencias clave entre un asesor financiero y un asesor fiscal

Financial Advisor

Key differences between a financial advisor and a tax advisor

Prepare for a Disaster

Ensure your clients have a financial safety net if a disaster strikes


Working from home brings greater exposure to state tax codes

Couple With Financial Advisor

Helping your clients with investments and retirement planning

Beware of tax scams

IRS issues warning about coronavirus-related scams

tax professional

Intuit provides resources supporting your accounting practice and business clients during COVID-19 outbreak

Deductible expenses

Which Expenses Are Deductible?

IRS and tax professionals

IRS Annual Inflation Adjustments for Tax Years 2019 and 2020

tax professional

Foreign Tax Rules, Exclusions and Credits

tax professional with clients

Year-End Tax Planning Tips for Individual Clients

team at a tax firm

Asesoramiento para clientes comerciales que cierran el año fiscal 2019