tax accounting in the cloud
tax accounting in the cloud

Go Paperless With Intuit Link Engagement Letters

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You know you need to do it. And, every year you dread it. Time to send engagement letters to tax clients. It’s likely you’re required to send engagement letters by your professional liability insurance policy, so it’s not a question of whether you need to send them. And, you understand why.

Engagement letters protect you by making your responsibilities clear to clients and acting as a contract between you and the client. According to the North American Professional Liability Insurance Agency LLC (NAPLIA), individual tax engagements represent the majority of claims reported by leading CPA liability carriers. Yet, tax engagements are where engagement letters are least used.1

If you’re feeling guilty about now, take heart. It’s never been easier to do the right thing, because as an Intuit® tax professional, you have an advantage. You have help at hand to take the sting out of sending engagement letters. Intuit Link makes it easy to customize and send engagement letters. And, let’s face it … easy means we’re more likely to do the right thing.

It’s easy for clients, too. From within Link, your client reviews the engagement letter and clicks to accept the terms. At-a-glance in Link, you can see when your client has accepted. And, clients appreciate the convenience of being able to view and accept the terms from any connected device.

This tax season, make it easier for your firm to do the right thing. Use Link to send engagement letters to all of your tax clients. Link is free to use and included with your professional tax software, so give it a try! You’ll get that warm and fuzzy feeling that comes from knowing you limited your liability this tax season.

Learn more about Link by reviewing these short videos.


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