Tax Law and News

Monthly Deadlines Vertical

May 2023 tax and compliance deadlines

Charity Vertical

IRS revises Form 8940 for mandatory e-file

Foreign Taxes Vertical

Reporting foreign income and filing expat returns

Home Office Vertical

How S Corporation clients can use an accountable plan to deduct home office expenses

Fraud Vertical

Watch out for schemes aimed at high-income filers

Wellness Vertical

IRS rules on nutrition, wellness, and health expenses

Planning with team

Professional services: QBI deduction (SSTB)

April 2023 deadlines vertical

April 2023 tax and compliance deadlines

Tax Penalties Vertical

Protecting your clients from estimated tax penalties

E-file vertical

Modernized e-file: Are you in compliance?

Commercial clean vehicles vertical

IRS guidance on commercial clean vehicle credits

Gig Worker Vertical

Navigating reasonable comp for niche clients