How to file extensions in ProSeries
by Intuit•1• Updated 4 months ago
This article will help you:
- Complete the required entries to generate an extension
- E-file an extension
Table of contents:
How do I e-file an extension?
In order to e-file an extension the extension must pass final review:
- Open the client file.
- From the Information menu, select Final Review.
- Select Start to begin Final Review.
- Review any orange You Should Fix This Error messages. These errors are typically associated with completing your return and wwon'tprevent your extension from being filed electronically.
- Correct any red You Must Fix This Error messages. These errors will guide you through the remaining entries, and resolve any errors that may prevent your extension from being filed electronically.
- Save the return.
To transmit the extension:
- Open the ProSeries EF Center HomeBase View.
- Find the client information that you plan on e-filing.
- Review the EF Status column to make sure it says 1st Extension Marked for EF. If this says Return Marked for e-file please review the file to make sure the extension is marked for e-file.
- Highlight the federal, and state if applicable, for the client.
- From the E-File menu choose Electronic Filing then Convert/Transmit Returns/Extensions/Payments...
- On the Electronic Filing Options screen choose Convert and Transmit selected returns/extensions/payments and click OK to e-file the extensions.
To generate a Form 4868 for Individual:
- Open the Federal Information Worksheet.
- If planning on electronic filing, scroll down to Part VII - Electronic Filing of Extension and Amended Return Information and check the box File Form 4868 (application for extension of time to file return) electronically.
- If you plan to electronically file the state extension as well check the box for State and City Extension and select the state from the table. Only states supported for e-file will be available in the list.
- Open the Form 4868.
- In the Important Information section check the box for Check this box to freeze the amounts flowing to this form.
- Make any adjustments to line 4-7, if needed.
If you are e-filing and plan on paying the balance due electronically:
- Open the Federal Information Worksheet.
- Scroll down to Part VIII - Direct Deposit and Refund Disbursement Options.
- Ensure the Account type, Routing number, and Account number are entered.
- Scroll down to Part IX - Electronic Funds Withdrawl Options.
- Under Electronic Filing of Federal Extension Only check the Yes box.
To generate a Form 7004 for Fiduciary:
- Open the Fiduciary Information Worksheet.
- If planning on electronic filing, scroll down to Part VI - Electronic Filing Information and check the Extension box for Federal Form 1041.
- Open the Form 7004.
- In the Important Information section check the box for Check this box to freeze the amounts flowing to this form.
- Make any adjustments to line 6-8, if needed.
If you are e-filing and plan on paying the balance due electronically:
- Open the Fiduciary Information Worksheet.
- Scroll down to Part VII - Electronic Funds Withdrawal Information.
- On the line Use electronic funds withdrawal of Form 7004 balance due (EF only) check the Yes box.
- Ensure the Account type, Routing number, and Account number are entered.
To generate a Form 7004 for Partnerships:
- Open the Partnership Information Worksheet.
- If planning on electronic filing, scroll down to Part VI - Electronic Filing Information and check the Extension box for Federal Form 1065.
- Open the Form 7004.
- In the first Important Information section check the box for Check this box to activate this form.
- In the second Important Information section check the box for Check this box to freeze the amounts flowing to this form.
- Make any adjustments to line 6-8, if needed.
If you are e-filing and plan on paying the balance due electronically:
- Open the Partnership Information Worksheet.
- Scroll down to Part VII - Electronic Funds Withdrawal Information.
- On the line Use electronic funds withdrawal of Form 7004 balance due (EF only) check the Yes box.
- Ensure the Account type, Routing number, and Account number are entered.
To generate a Form 7004 for Corporations:
- Open the Corporation Information Worksheet.
- If planning on electronic filing, scroll down to Part VI - Electronic Filing Information and check the Extension box for Federal Form 1120.
- Open the Form 7004.
- In the Important Information section check the box for Check this box to freeze the amounts flowing to this form.
- Make any adjustments to line 6-8, if needed.
If you are e-filing and plan on paying the balance due electronically:
- Open the Corporation Information Worksheet.
- Scroll down to Part VII - Electronic Funds Withdrawal Information.
- On the line Use electronic funds withdrawal of Form 7004 balance due (EF only) check the Yes box.
- Ensure the Account type, Routing number, and Account number are entered.
To generate a Form 7004 for S-Corporations:
- Open the S Corporation Information Worksheet.
- If planning on electronic filing, scroll down to Part VI - Electronic Filing Information and check the Extension box for Federal Form 1120S.
- Open the Form 7004.
- In the Important Information section check the box for Check this box to freeze the amounts flowing to this form.
- Make any adjustments to line 6-8, if needed.
If you are e-filing and plan on paying the balance due electronically:
- Open the S Corporation Information Worksheet.
- Scroll down to Part VII - Electronic Funds Withdrawal Information.
- On the line Use electronic funds withdrawal of Form 7004 balance due (EF only) check the Yes box.
- Ensure the Account type, Routing number, and Account number are entered.
To generate a Form 8868 for Exempt Organizations:
- Open the 990-EZ, 990, 990-T and 99-PF Information Worksheet.
- If planning on electronic filing, scroll down to Part VII - Electronic Filing Information and check the Check this box to file Form 8868 (application for extension of time to file return) electronically box.
- Open the Form 8868 for the type of 990 being filed.
- In the Important Information section check the box for Check this box to activate this form.
- Make any adjustments to line 3a-3c, if needed.
If you are e-filing and plan on paying the balance due electronically:
- Open the 990-EZ, 990, 990-T and 99-PF Information Worksheet.
- Scroll down to Part VIII - Electronic Funds Withdrawal Information.
- On the line Use electronic funds withdrawal of Form 8868 balance due (EF only) check the Yes box.
- Ensure the Account type, Routing number, and Account number are entered.
Why am I getting a failed Final Review message when trying to e-file my extension?
When transmitting an extension, ProSeries still runs the Final Review before sending the extensions. Since the return may not be complete when you transmit the extension, the program will only review information necessary for the extension to be sent electronically. The following must be entered to e-file the extension:
1040 returns:
- Taxpayer's name (and spouse's name, if MFJ or MFS return)
- Taxpayer's SSN (and spouse's name, if MFJ or MFS return)
- Taxpayer's address
- Filing status
- The preparer code
- The extension form
- For example, for a federal Form 1040, Form 4868 must be filled out.
- If there is a balance due and a payment isn't being submitted with the return, make sure the checkbox in Part IX labeled Use electronic funds withdrawal of Form 4868 balance due (EF only) is marked No.
All other tax types:
- Employer Identification Number
- Name
- Address
- Officer's name (1120, 1120-S, and 990), or partner's/LLC's member's name (1065)
- 7004
- You must check the box at the top of the form to freeze amounts flowing to the 7004 to e-file the extension.
- 8868
- This is for Form 990 only. You must check the box at the top of the form to freeze amounts flowing to the 8868 to e-file the extension.
If you have all of the above information entered, and you're still unable to e-file the extension, check the errors in the Final Review. Fix errors that are captioned "Must fix this error". Error that are captioned "You should fix this error" in the Final Review won't stop the extension. Look for any errors about the taxpayer (or spouse, if MFJ or MFS return), the preparer, the firm, or the extension form. Correct these errors as necessary.
Troubleshooting error when e-filing state or federal return - "1st extension is not completed."
The federal or state tax return is ready to be e-filed, but when trying to e-file within a return, the program displays the following error:
"1st extension is not completed."
Additionally, in the EF Center HomeBase view, the EF Status column may display 1st Extension Marked For EF or 1st Extension Transmitted. However, the extension was e-filed and accepted. This situation may apply to the federal return, state return(s), or all federal and state tax returns.
How do I resolve this error?
If you electronically filed the extension but do not have the latest accepted acknowledgement, start by checking for acknowledgements using Update Acknowledgment Status of Selected Returns.
Follow these steps to update the status:
- Go to the EF Center HomeBase View (or the EF Clients tab in ProSeries Basic).
- Highlight the client that displays the 1st extension is not completed error.
- From the E-file menu, select Electronic Filing.
- Select Update Acknowledgement Status of Selected Returns.
- When prompted by a window, choose to update Only the selected return.
- Click OK to retrieve the latest available status.
After updating the status for the client, open the client return and each state return applicable to the client. Save client file. You may now try transmitting the return again.
Still unable to transmit the return?
If, after checking for acknowledgements, you're still unable to e-file the federal or state extension due to the error above, uncheck the box to electronically file the federal or state extension on the Federal Information Worksheet:
- Open the affected tax return.
- On the module's Information Worksheet, locate the section where electronic filing is activated and uncheck the Extension box.
- See the table below for a quick reference by form to locate the electronic filing section.
- Open the state module, if applicable, and Save the return.
- Convert and transmit the return.
Federal Form | Part Number / Description |
1041, 1065, 1120, 1120S | Part VI Electronic Filing Information / Choose Return to be Filed Electronically |
990 | Part VII Electronic Filing Information / Electronic Filing of Extensions |