Microsoft Excel 2007 or Later is Required for Client Presentation Feature
by Intuit• Updated 3 months ago
Intuit Hosting users attempting to view or print a Client Presentation without being signed into Office 365, ProSeries will give an error message that advises that Microsoft Excel 2007 or later is required for the Client Presentation.
When trying to view the Client Presentation in ProSeries Professional, an error message stating that Microsoft Excel 2007 or later is required for the Client Presentation. The error may also appear in the print log when attempting to print the Client Presentation.
Before you start:
- Make sure Microsoft Excel 2007 or later is installed.
- Excel Starter Edition isn't supported for this feature. You'll need the full version of Excel
- This article references default installation paths and uses YY to reference the tax year in 20YY format. C: will always indicate the local drive and X: will always indicate the network drive.
Testing Microsoft Excel Com objects
One possible cause to this error message and be that the COM Objects and Interfaces are not set or working correctly on the customers computer.
Use these steps help verify the com objects are functioning correctly:
- In the windows search bar type "Powershell" without the quotation marks and then select on Windows PowerShell(x86).
- Type "New-Object -com Excel.Application" without the quotation marks
- There's a space between t and the -com
- Press the Enter key to run the command.
- Review the output in the PowerShell window
- If the PowerShell produces a block of red text that may start with something similar to "New-Object: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} failed..." or produces list of items with nothing set on the right hand side, this indicates that an issue is present in the Excel installation that is preventing the operating system, and therefore ProSeries, from properly making calls to excel.
- Excel must be reinstalled and/or repaired in order correct this behavior and to prevent the message in ProSeries when attempting to use the Client Presentation Feature.
Note: For assistance with this please contact your local IT Professional. ProSeries technical support cannot assist with repairing or reinstalling Microsoft Excel.
For additional information on this topic you can review the information found on the Microsoft Windows Dev Center web page COM Objects and Interfaces
If the Com Objects are working fine:
- Close ProSeries.
- Open Windows File Explorer.
- Browse to the Common folder:
- For stand alone installations browse to C:\ProWinYY\Common
- For network installations browse to X:\ProNetYY\Common
- Open the file ExcelPresentation.xls
- If Microsoft Excel fails to open, Excel will need to be repaired by Microsoft or by a local IT professional.
- If the presentation works in Excel then ProSeries will need to be reinstalled. See Performing a clean install of ProSeries for steps.