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MS Form 80-205 displays Spouse's income in Taxpayer's column in Lacerte

by Intuit Updated 4 months ago

If the Filing Status in Screen 1, Client Information is marked Married Filling Joint, all items will be placed in the Taxpayer column. This is based on form Instructions, which for joint returns states: Place all income, deductions, exemptions, etc. in Column A (Taxpayer).

  1. Go to Screen 3, Miscellaneous Info./Direct Deposit.
  2. Scroll down to the Mississippi Miscellaneous section.
  3. Enter applicable filing status in the Filing Status (Ctrl +T)[O] field.
    • 1 = Single 
    • 2 = Married Filing Jointly
    • 3 = Married Filing Separately
    • 4 = Head of Family
    • 6 = Married Filing Combined
Lacerte Tax

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