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Generating Partnership CA Form 3522 Limited Liability Company Tax Voucher in Proconnect Tax

by Intuit Updated 5 months ago

ProConnect Tax Online automatically generates this voucher when necessary. If the voucher is not generating:

  1. Navigate to General > Client Information
  2. Scroll down to the Miscellaneous Info section
  3. Select Limited Liability Company from the Type of Entity drop-down menu
  1. Navigate to State & Local > CA Miscellaneous Information
  2. Scroll down to the Limited Partnership Tax/LLC Annual Tax section
  3. Verify the checkbox Do Not to Generate LLC Tax Voucher (Form 3522) is not checked
  1. Navigate to General > Miscellaneous Information
  2. Verify if the box for Final return is checked
  3. Un-mark the checkbox because Form 3522 will not generate for a final year return
  1. Navigate to General > Miscellaneous Information
  2. Scroll down to the California Electronic Payment Information section
  3. Verify if the box Electronic payment of next year's annual LLC tax is checked
  4. If this box is checked, form 3522 will not generate. Instead, the information will be on Form 8453-LLC.


  • The amount due ($800) cannot be overridden
  • Form 0 referenced on the form indicates that the voucher is filed with a Form 568
ProConnect Tax Online