Generating New York City Form NYC-1127 in ProSeries
by Intuit•4• Updated 3 weeks ago
Beginning with tax year 2014, ProSeries New York City Individual became a separate module. Use the instructions below for the applicable program to access the module and generate Form NYC-1127:
New York City Individual release date information can be found on the ProSeries Tax form finderpage.
Follow these steps to generate Form NYC-1127 in ProSeries Professional:
- Open the federal return.
- From the File menu, select Go to State/City.
- Select New York Individual and select OK.
- On the New York Information Worksheet, scroll down to Part II - Main Form.
- Mark the Nonresident: Form IT-203, Nonresident and Part-Year Resident Income Tax Return checkbox to indicate that the taxpayer/spouse is a nonresident of New York City.
- From the New York State return, select the File menu and choose Go to State/City.
- Select New York City Individual (attached) and select OK.
- On the New York City Information Worksheet, scroll down to Part VI - Form NYC-1127 Nonresident Employees of the City of New York.
- Complete lines 1–4.
- Complete line 5 if the filing status is Married Filing Jointly.
Follow these steps to generate Form NYC-1127 in ProSeries Basic:
- Open the federal return.
- Select the State button on the left of the screen.
- Mark the checkbox labeled New York Individual.
- Mark the checkbox labeled New York City Individual.
- Go to the New York Individual tab, and then select the Info Worksheet tab.
- On the New York Information Worksheet, scroll down to Part II - Main Form.
- Mark the Nonresident: Form IT-203, Nonresident, and Part-Year Resident Income Tax Return checkbox to indicate that the taxpayer/spouse is a nonresident of New York City.
- Go to the New York City Individual tab and select the Info Worksheet tab.
- On the New York City Information Worksheet, scroll down to Part VI - Form NYC-1127 Nonresident Employees of the City of New York.
- Complete lines 1–4.
- Complete line 5 if the filing status is Married Filing Jointly.