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Generating New York City Form NYC-1127 in ProSeries

by Intuit4 Updated 3 weeks ago

Beginning with tax year 2014, ProSeries New York City Individual became a separate module. Use the instructions below for the applicable program to access the module and generate Form NYC-1127:

New York City Individual release date information can be found on the ProSeries Tax form finderpage.

Follow these steps to generate Form NYC-1127 in ProSeries Professional:

  1. Open the federal return.
  2. From the File menu, select Go to State/City.
  3. Select New York Individual and select OK.
  4. On the New York Information Worksheet, scroll down to Part II - Main Form.
  5. Mark the Nonresident: Form IT-203, Nonresident and Part-Year Resident Income Tax Return checkbox to indicate that the taxpayer/spouse is a nonresident of New York City.
  6. From the New York State return, select the File menu and choose Go to State/City.
  7. Select New York City Individual (attached) and select OK.
  8. On the New York City Information Worksheet, scroll down to Part VI - Form NYC-1127 Nonresident Employees of the City of New York.
  9. Complete lines 1–4.
  10. Complete line 5 if the filing status is Married Filing Jointly.

Follow these steps to generate Form NYC-1127 in ProSeries Basic:

  1. Open the federal return.
  2. Select the State button on the left of the screen.
  3. Mark the checkbox labeled New York Individual.
  4. Mark the checkbox labeled New York City Individual.
  5. Go to the New York Individual tab, and then select the Info Worksheet tab.
  6. On the New York Information Worksheet, scroll down to Part II - Main Form.
  7. Mark the Nonresident: Form IT-203, Nonresident, and Part-Year Resident Income Tax Return checkbox to indicate that the taxpayer/spouse is a nonresident of New York City.
  8. Go to the New York City Individual tab and select the Info Worksheet tab.
  9. On the New York City Information Worksheet, scroll down to Part VI - Form NYC-1127 Nonresident Employees of the City of New York.
  10. Complete lines 1–4.
  11. Complete line 5 if the filing status is Married Filing Jointly.

Certain conditions must be met to generate Form NYC-1127.

Follow these steps to generate Form NYC-1127:

  1. Open the New York State Information Worksheet
  2. Scroll down to Part XI, Form NYC-1127, Nonresident Employees of the City of NY.
  3. After entering the required information, click on the QuickZoom at the bottom of this section for Copy 1 or Copy 2
    • Copy 2 is only required for the spouse if the spouse is also an employee of NYC and the return is being filed separately. Copy 1 is used for both the taxpayer and spouse when filing a joint return.
  4. Once you're on the desired copy of NYC-1127, follow the directions on the Form NYC-1127 Activation Instructions Smart Worksheet.
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