Forms that are no longer available in ProSeries 2024
by Intuit•1• Updated 6 months ago
As part of our ongoing efforts to improve the ProSeries Tax software, a few rarely utilized tax forms will not be available starting in the 2024 tax products. We appreciate your support in allowing us to focus our resources on developing emerging filing types and forms with greater impact to customers.
What forms are no longer supported?
State | Form | Form Name | E-File Mandates? |
IL | Sch 8020 | Sch 80/20 Related-Party Expenses | Conditional |
IL | Sch 4255 | Recapture of Investment Tax Credits | Conditional |
IL | Sch 4644 | Gains from Sales of Employer's Securities | Conditional |
MT | Form RCYL | Recycle Credit/Deduction | Conditional |
NY | CT 658 | Additional Restaurant Return-to-Work Credit | Yes all preparers with 10 or more filings |
NY | CT 655 | Restaurant Return-to-Work Credit | Yes all preparers with 10 or more filings |
NY | CT 604 | Claim for QEZE Tax Reduction Credit | Yes all preparers with 10 or more filings |
NY | CT 606 | Claim for QEZE Credit for Real Prop Taxes | Yes all preparers with 10 or more filings |
NY | IT 658 | Additional Restaurant Return-to-Work Credit | Yes all preparers with 10 or more filings |
NY | IT 655 | Restaurant Return-to-Work Credit | Yes all preparers with 10 or more filings |
NY | IT 604 | Claim for QEZE Tax Reduction Credit | Yes all preparers with 10 or more filings |
NY | IT 606 | Claim for QEZE Credit for Real Prop Taxes | Yes all preparers with 10 or more filings |
NY | IT 205J | Accumulation Distr for Exempt Res Trusts | Yes all preparers with 10 or more filings |
TX | Form 05-180 | Texas Franchise Tax Historic Structure Credit Supp | No |
VA | Sch 500EL | Electric Vendors Corp Minimum Tax and Credit Sch | Yes |
VA | Form 500T | Telecommunications Companies Minimum Tax | Yes |
WI | Sch A11 | WI Apportionment % for Interstate Air Freight Form | Yes |
WI | Sch A10 | WI Apportionment % for Interstate Pipeline Co | Yes |
WI | Sch A09 | WI Apportionment % for Interstate Railroads | Yes |
WI | Sch A08 | WI Apportionment Percentage for Broadcasters | Yes |
WI | Sch A07 | WI Apportionment % for Interstate Carriers | Yes |
WI | Sch 4Y | Deductible Dividends | Yes |
PA | Sch J | PA Schedule J - Income from Estates or Trusts | No |
PA | Sch CP | PA Schedule CP - Corporate Partner CNI Withholding | No |
KS | SchK60 | K-60 Kansas Community Service Contribution Credit | No |
KY | Sch RC | Schedule RC - Application for Income Tax/LLET Credit for Recycling and/or Composting Equipment or Major Recycling Project | No |
MI | Form4895 | Form 4895 - Corporate Income Tax (CIT) Loss Adjustment for the Small Business Alternative Credit | Yes |
NC | FormNC478 | NC-478 2023 Summary of Tax Credits Limited to 50% of Tax | No |
NC | FormNC478PassThrough | Pass-through Schedule for NC-478 Series | No |
NC | FormNCD403TC | D-403TC 2023 Partnership Tax Credit Summary | No |
IA | Sch D | IA Schedule D Nonbusiness Income for Corporations, Partnerships, and S Corporations | No |
GA | FormIT552 | IT 552 Corporation Application for Tentative Carry-Back Adjustment | Yes |
GA | Form IT Addback | IT-Addback Related Member Intangible Expenses and Costs and Interest Expenses and Costs | Yes |
AZ | 308 | Credit for Increased Research Activities | Yes |
CO | 1316 | Colorado Agricultural Land Capital Gain Affidavit | No |
MS | Form 84-161 | Tax Credit For Income Tax Paid By Electing Pass-Through Entity | Yes |
OR | Form DRD | Oregon Dividends-Received Deduction | Yes |
RI | Sch B_CR | Business Entity Credit Schedule | Yes |
WV | Sch B1 | Allowance for Government Obligations / Obligations Secured by Residential Property | Yes |
How to file returns impacted by this change:
The chart above will show if the state is currently under an e-file mandate.
- If the state is not under an e-file mandate print the PDF of the tax form from the state web page and paper file the return.
- If the state is a state that has an e-file mandate, most e-file mandate states allow you to e-file directly on the state site.
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