Resolving "No valid EF Center Record Exists for this SSN/EIN" when receiving e-file acknowledgments in ProSeries
by Intuit• Updated 1 year ago
When attempting to fetch e-file acknowledgments, there may be a situation where you receive the following error message:
"No valid EF Center record exists for this SSN/EIN"
This error message occurs when ProSeries attempts to post an electronic filing status or acknowledgment to the EF Center HomeBase but cannot locate a client file with a primary taxpayer SSN that matches the status or acknowledgment that is being delivered to the software.
The most common cause of this error is:
- The SSN of the taxpayer has been changed in the software, after submitting the return electronically but before receiving the acknowledgment for the return.
- The taxpayer that matches the electronic filing status or acknowledgment is no longer found in the EF Center or EF Clients tab.
If the SSN of the taxpayer has not be changed, the following situations can result in this error message. Work through each one where the symptoms relate:
For additional help with e-file acknowledgements, also refer to Checking the acknowledgment status of an e-filed return.