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Common questions about Ohio additions in ProConnect Tax
by Intuit• Updated 1 month ago
Below, you'll find answers to frequently asked questions about Ohio additions:
How do you enter tuition investments in an Ohio CollegeAdvantage 529 savings plan?
Per the Form IT 1040 instructions, you may deduct up to $4,000 in contributions to an Ohio 529 CollegeAdvantage savings plan per beneficiary each year.
To enter 529 CollegeAdvantage savings plan contributions:
- From the Input Return tab, go to State and Local ⮕ Modifications ⮕ OH Modifications.
- Click College Savings Acct in the top-right.
- Under the section Ohio College Variable Account and Tuition Credits, complete the Beneficiary Name and Current year account contributions fields.
- Compete any other applicable information on this screen.
- The entries will now flow to Form IT 1040.
Form IT-DA, Affidavit of Non-Ohio Residency/Domicile is generating, but Form IT-1040 still generates. Why?
ProConnect Tax is designed so that either Form IT-1040 or Form IT-10 will generate with Form IT-DA. It suppresses only one form.
To suppress Form IT-1040 instead of Form IT-10:
- From the Input Return tab, go to State and Local ⮕ Other ⮕ OH Income Tax Information Notice.
- Per the note under the Ohio Income Tax Information Notice section, make an entry in this screen to suppress Form IT-1040.