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Common questions about Ohio additions in Lacerte

by Intuit Updated 4 months ago

Below, you'll find answers to frequently asked questions about Ohio additions:

How do you enter tuition investments in an Ohio CollegeAdvantage 529 savings plan?

Per the Form IT 1040 instructions, you may deduct up to $4,000 in contributions per beneficiary each year.

To enter 529 CollegeAdvantage savings plan contributions:

  1. Go to Screen 51, Modifications.
  2. Under the St. Mod. panel, select Ohio.
  3. Under the College Savings Acct. panel, select the correct activity.
    • If it's the first activity, select 1.
  4. Under the section Ohio College Variable Account and Tuition Credits, complete the Beneficiary Name and Current year account contributions fields.
  5. Compete any other applicable information on this screen.
  6. The entries will now flow to Form IT 1040.

Form IT-DA, Affidavit of Non-Ohio Residency/Domicile is generating, but Form IT-1040 still generates. Why?

Lacerte is designed so that either Form IT-1040 or Form IT-10 will generate with Form IT-DA. It suppresses only one form.

To suppress Form IT-1040 instead of Form IT-10:

  1. Go to Screen 57, Other.
  2. Under the St. Other panel, select Ohio Income Tax Information Notice.
  3. Per the note under the Ohio Income Tax Information Notice section, make an entry in this screen to suppress Form IT-1040.
Lacerte Tax

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