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Creating custom filters to sort clients in Document Management System

by Intuit Updated 1 year ago

This article will show you how to create custom filters to sort clients in Document Management System (DMS).

Follow these steps to create custom filters in DMS:

  1. Open DMS.
  2. From the main client list, select the Edit menu and choose Client Filters.
  3. Once the Client Filters window appears, select Add below the Filters box.
  4. Enter a name for your new filter.
  5. While the new filter is highlighted, select Adbelow the Assigned Categories box.
  6. Enter a name for the new category.
  7. With the filter name still highlighted, check the box for the category you created and select OK.
  8. From the main client list, right-click on the client file and select Assign Categories from the pop-up menu.
    • If you wish to do this for multiple clients, hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard as you select on each client to select. After the last client has been highlighted, release the Ctrl key, and then right-click to open the pop-up menu.
  9. In the Categories window, check the box next to the category you wish to assign to clients.
    • Checkmarks may already be selected for other categories. If the checkmark is gray, that indicates that the category isn't assigned to all of the multiple clients currently selected.
  10. Select OK.
Intuit Document Management System

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