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Entering Taxpayer Authentication and Theft Protection PIN in Lacerte

by Intuit12 Updated 1 year ago

The Taxpayer Authentication and Spouse Authentication input section(s) are available on Screen 1 to verify and enter the following information:

Refer to this IRS FAQ for more information about Identity Protection PINs. If the taxpayer was issued an IPPIN and it's not entered into the tax return before e-filing the IRS will reject the return with Rejection IND-181-01. Entering the IPPIN and e-filing the return again will resolve this rejection.

  • Taxpayer Identity Verification - Select one of the four options:
    • Identity Not Verified
    • In Person - Valid Government Picture ID
    • Remote - Valid Government Picture ID or Financial/Utility Account Number
    • Remote -Valid Government Picture ID and Financial/Utility Account Number
  • ID Type -
    • Did not provide Driver's License or State ID
    • Does not have Driver's License or State ID
    • Driver's License Number
    • State Issued ID
  • Driver's License/State ID # - Some states required driver's license information as a measure to prevent identity theft.
  • Driver's License State - The state indicated on the driver's license.
  • Issue Date -  The issue date as it appears on the driver's license/state ID.
  • Expiration Date -  The expiration date as it appears on the driver's license/state ID.
  • Additional Information - Enter additional information here.
  • IRS Theft Protection PIN - IRS issued Theft Protection PIN should be entered here.  This is a 6-digit PIN.

 In an effort to better protect you from identity thieves, some states will be trying new approaches. Some states may ask for additional identification information, such as your driver's license number, when you are preparing your state tax return. This will be another layer of protection because identity thieves may already have your name and Social Security number, but perhaps not your driver's license number. States requesting this information have the ability to match driver's license information and other identifying records to help confirm your identity. Note: Because this information is used to verify identity, this information does not proforma from year to year.

The Federal return requires an 'identity verification level' to be assigned to each electronic return. The requirement is set when the Taxpayer Identity Verification is selected. When 'Identity Not Verified' or 'State-Issued ID' is indicated, additional inputs are Not required for Federal e-file.

The identity verification level is determined by the Taxpayer Identity Verification selection made in Screen 1Taxpayer  Authentication section, and must be marked to calculate the appropriate identity verification level.

Identity Not Verified (When selected, ID Number is Not Required)
In Person - Valid Government Picture ID (When selected, ID Number is Required)
Remote - Valid Government Picture ID or Financial Utility Account Number (When selected, ID Number is Required)

Financial or utility account number examples include: checking account, savings account, utility account, loan, credit card, or tax identification number.

Additional Information:

More information is provided as guidelines from the Internal Revenue Service to tax professionals with regard to identity verification in IRS Pub. 1345 (Page 21).

Lacerte Tax