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Understanding the Lacerte REP statement process

by Intuit Updated 1 month ago

Information about the Lacerte REP statement process:

  1. The End of Statement Date is the 4th of each month.
  2. The statement calculation process is executed on the 5th.
  3. Late on the 5th, the process is complete, and an Invoice Statement Report is sent out by automated email.
  4. The Internal Dashboard is updated on the 5th or 6th.
  5. PDFs of the statements are then created and posted to My Account.
  6. On the 7th, the billing system sends out the eStatement emails to ALL customers.
  7. The statements are validated starting on the first business day after the Internal dashboard, and Invoice Statement reports are available. (takes a day)
  8. Once Statement validation is complete the Statement data files are uploaded to the printers’ ftp site.
  9. Once the printer gets the data, proofs are created (usually 30-40 pre-selected accounts) to be verified. (takes a day)
  10. Once the proofs are validated the green light is given to the printers to start printing the statements. (takes 2 days)
  11. The statements will then be mailed to the customers. (USPS mail)

To view information regarding your REP account:

  1. Sign in to My Account.
  2. From the left of the screen, select Billing ⮕ Lacerte REP.

The process takes approximately 6 days from start to finish.

Lacerte Tax

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