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Form Help - Hawaii

by Intuit Updated 6 months ago

This article is for state-specific form help. Use the table of contents to jump to the tax module you're working on, and then find the relevant form and line within that section.

Table of contents:


Schedule X

How to generate:

This Form won't generate for non-residents - must be full year resident or per form instructions a resident in the state for more than nine months. Screen 1, Client Information, within the Resident Status section can be used to designate full residency. Screen 55.421 Hawaii Part Year/Nonresident Info can be used for the greater than nine month threshold.

-Schedule X Residency-


Page 4, Line 55

To enter estimated payments for a Hawaii N-15 return, use Screen 55.421 Hawaii Part year non-resident return and input the estimated payments amount in the "Form 288A estimated payments" input field. Note: Form N-201V is no longer required when making a payment with your return.



Line (apply anchor name here under Advanced on the right)

This is where you will enter the line-specific help.

S Corporation


Line (apply anchor name here under Advanced on the right)


This is where you will enter the line-specific help.



Line (apply anchor name here under Advanced on the right)

This is where you will enter the line-specific help.



Line (apply anchor name here under Advanced on the right)

This is where you will enter the line-specific help.

Lacerte Tax

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