How to enter Iowa PTE in ProConnect Tax
by Intuit•1• Updated 6 months ago
What's new for tax year 2022?
- The IA PTE-C Iowa Composite Return is new for tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2022.
- Iowa Code section 422.16B imposes composite return filing and tax remittance obligations on entities taxed as partnerships, S corporations, estates, or trusts for tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2022.
- For additional information, see the department's guidance.
Down below we'll go over how to enter PTE for Iowa on Individual, Partnership, S Corporate and Fiduciary returns in ProConnect Tax.
Table of contents:
- From the Input Return tab, go to Income ⮕ Passthrough K-1's. From this menu, select the type of activity:
- Partnership Info (1065 K-1)
- S-Corp Info (1120S K-1)
- Estate or Trust Info (1041 K-1)
- From along the top of the workspace, select State & Local and scroll down to the Iowa Credits section.
- If State & Local appears to be missing from along the top of the workspace, it is likely a matter of screen resolution. In this case, select it from the ⋮ menu instead.
- Under the Schedule CC subsection, enter the amount from IA Schedule K-1, Part III in the Amount of credit received from PTE field.
- This amount will flow to the IA Schedule CC.
The IA PTE-C and IA Voucher (PTE-C) generate automatically when there is a nonresident partner, and as long as Exclude from Composite Return is not checked.
- The Exclude from Composite Return checkbox is located under the Iowa Information section of the Partner Information screen.
Additional information may be needed on State & Local ⮕ Other Forms ⮕ IA PTE-C - Composite Return.
Should you need to make overrides to voucher information, go to State & Local ⮕ Estimates ⮕ IA Estimates ⮕ Iowa 2023 Composite Estimated Tax.
In the event that the partnership receives a credit on a K-1, go to the Passthrough K-1's workspace and select State & Local from along the top, and under Iowa Credits ⮕ Schedule CC, enter the amount in the Amount of credit received from PTE field.
The IA PTE-C and IA Voucher (PTE-C) generate automatically when there is a nonresident shareholder, and as long as Exclude from Composite Return is not checked.
- The Exclude from Composite Return checkbox is located under the Iowa Information section of the Shareholder Information screen.
Additional information may be needed on State & Local ⮕ Other Forms ⮕ IA PTE-C - Composite Return.
Should you need to make overrides to voucher information, go to State & Local ⮕ Estimates ⮕ IA Estimates ⮕ Iowa 2023 Composite Estimated Tax.
In the event that the S-corporation receives a credit on a K-1, go to the Passthrough K-1's workspace and select State & Local from along the top, and under Iowa Credits ⮕ Schedule CC, enter the amount in the Amount of credit received from PTE field.
The IA PTE-C and IA Voucher (PTE-C) generate automatically when there is a nonresident beneficiary, and as long as Exclude from Composite Return is not checked.
- The Exclude from Composite Return checkbox is located under the Iowa Information section of the Beneficiary/Grantor Information screen.
Additional information may be needed on State & Local ⮕ Other Forms ⮕ IA PTE-C - Composite Return.
Should you need to make overrides to voucher information, go to State & Local ⮕ Estimates ⮕ IA Estimates ⮕ Iowa 2023 Composite Estimated Tax.
In the event that the estate or trust receives a credit on a K-1, go to the Passthrough K-1's workspace and select State & Local from along the top, and under Iowa Credits ⮕ Schedule CC, enter the amount in the Amount of credit received from PTE field.