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Failure during proforma processing or "failed to transfer" when attempting to proforma client

by Intuit4 Updated 4 months ago

Attempting to proforma or transfer a specific client from one tax year to the next fails with the following error:

"Failure during Proforma processing. Processing of client: [client #] was incomplete."

Followed by:

"Failed to transfer. Please verify that the client forms can be viewed in YYTax then retry."

To resolve this error:

A locked file usually causes these errors. Follow these steps.

  1. Select the client and go to the Client menu.
  2. Select Unlock Return.
  3. Select Yes to make a copy of the client file before unlocking.
  4. Enter in the client number for the copy and select OK.
  5. Select the copy of the return and select the Forms tab to calculate the return.
  6. After calculating the return, proforma the client.

If the client still won't proforma:

If the client file is not locked, or the above solution doesn't resolve the issue, try the following:

This issue may be caused by a corrupted custom letter file for the client. This can occur even if you don't use custom letters. To resolve:

  1. Make note of the client number.
  2. Use Windows file explorer to browse out to the data path.
    • For example, C:/Lacerte/23TAX/idata (pdata for partnership, cdata for corporate, sdata for s-corporate, fdata for fiduciary, etc...).
  3. Inside the data folder, open the NOTES folder.
  4. Locate the note files for the impacted client number.
    • There will be multiple files for the client. Look for a file with the extension .#NP, where "#" represents the tax type. For example, individuals will have the extension .INP, and partnerships will have the extension .PNP.
    • Since it's capitalized, the "i" may look like a lowercase L, depending on your system settings.
  5. Right-click on the file and rename it by adding "OLD" to the end of the file name. For example, SMITH.INP would become SMITH.INPOLD.
  6. Try to proforma the client again.

These errors are usually caused by invalid characters in the input for specific clients; such as random letters, extra spaces, and/or invalid characters like  @, |, ~.

  1. Select the client file and then click the Detail tab.
    • If attempting to access the Detail tab results in an error stating "Detail file is missing or damaged", you will likely need to restore the client from a backup before attempting to Proforma.
  2. On your keyboard, press Ctrl+W to switch from Interactive Mode to Batch Mode.
  3. Look for these inconsistencies in the input screens as seen below.
    • For 1040 returns, these characters usually appear in Screens  20.1, 22, and 25.  Check these screens first   If none are found in these screens, check the other screens in bold.
    • For other return types, click on the input screens that are in bold on the Input Sheet selection list.
  • Delete any invalid characters and re-input the values.
  • Attempt to Proforma the client again.  If it still fails, see the other solutions below.
  1. Within Lacerte, go to Settings -> Options -> Setup tab.
  2. Verify under Printer Selection that a physical printer and not a virtual printer (PDF, DMS, One Note, etc) is set.
  3. Close the Options window and go to the Control Panel in Windows.
  4. Open the Printers menu and verify the default printer is also set to a physical printer.

When a return is marked as a Consolidator on screen 1Client Information, Lacerte looks for the Parent and Subsidiary returns to proforma with the Consolidator. If this return is not a true Consolidator, the program will not proforma the client file until the Consolidator check box on screen 1 under Miscellaneous Info is removed. If it is a true Consolidator, in Screen 3, Affiliated Schedule 851, for each company listed click the drop-down and reselect. This will verify that each of the companies are properly linked.


If it still fails, uncheck it as the Consolidator in screen 1 and remove all the Subsidiaries from screen 3.  Once transferred to the next year, put it back as the Consolidator and add the Subsidiaries in both years.  It is suggested to print out the General Info (tab at the bottom of Forms view) before and after to compare if anything changed.

  1. We recommend you make a copy of the client first to reference the deleted subclients.
  2. Select the affected return and click on the Detail tab.
  3. Remove the affected returns' subclients (Dependents, Partners, Shareholder).
  4. Re-input the subclient information and then Proforma the client.
  1. Go to Settings  Options  Setup tab.
  2. Change the Data Path to something new, but note the original.
    • old path: X:\Lacerte\23tax\Idata
    • new path: X:\Lacerte\23tax\Idata2
  3. Once on the new path, the client tab will be blank. Go to Client -> Restore.
  4. Under Restore from: change it to the original Data Path.
  5. Restore the client(s) in question or all if you desire.
  6. Now try the proforma again.  You can change the Data Path back if desired.

If you receive a message during the proforma process that a state product is not installed, you must install the missing state before proforma can continue.

Selecting Bypass will cause the client files with the missing state to fail when transferring to the next year.

  1. Open the program that you are transferring the clients from.  For example, if transferring from 2023 to 2024 Lacerte Tax, open 2023.
  2. Press F10 on your keyboard.  This will bring up the Technical Support Information window.
  3. Note the Program Path in the System Information tab.
  4. Close the program and navigate to that Program Path.
  5. Right-click on the folder of the affected module and choose Rename.
  6. Add -old to the end of the name and hit Enter.
    • Individual folder - ind
    • Partnership folder - par
    • Corporate folder - cor
    • S-Corporate folder - sco
    • Fiduciary folder - fid
    • Exempt folder - exm
    • Estate folder - est
    • Gift folder - gft
    • Benefit Plan folder - bft
  7. Go to the Start menu  (All) Programs  Lacerte  2023 Lacerte Web Setup.
  8. Complete this download installation.

This is not a common solution to this issue. All applicable solutions above should be attempted before this one. Follow Uninstall, Rename, and Reinstall Lacerte and then attempt to Proforma your affected client(s) again.

Related topics:

Lacerte Tax

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