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Reporting foreign wages on Form 2555 in ProConnect Tax
by Intuit• Updated 10 months ago
Before you start:
Refer to here for instructions on entering Form 2555 General Info.
Follow these steps to enter foreign wages on Form 2555:
- Go to the Input Return tab.
- Select Deductions > Foreign Wages (2555) from the left menu.
- Select the employer's name in the field Form 2555 name or number (MANDATORY to compute exclusion).
- Scroll to the Employer Information (MANDATORY for e-file) section.
- Enter the (b) Employer identification number (EIN) (if no federal EIN was provided, leave this field blank).
- Enter the (c) Name of employer and Street address.
- Complete the applicable address fields:
- For US addresses, enter the City, State, and ZIP code.
- For foreign addresses, enter the City only. Then, select the Foreign address box, and enter the Region, ZIP code, and Country.
- Scroll to the Foreign Wages section.
- Select inside the (1) Wages, tips, other compensation field.
- Select the plus sign (+) that appears to expand the input field.
- Enter the amount.
- Select an Allocation Method from the list, then select OK.
- ProConnect Tax uses this entry to determine how to allocate wages between US and foreign earned income.
- Enter all other applicable information.
- Scroll down to the Electronic Filing (W-2) section.
- Locate the Foreign Employer Compensation subsection.
- Select the box Compensation not reported on W-2, if applicable. This entry is mandatory for e-filing if no federal EIN was provided.
- Either select the box Employee performed services while residing in US, or select the appropriate Country code if work not performed while residing in US.
- Enter the Foreign employer's tax identification number if no federal EIN was provided.