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Generating 990 Part VII in ProConnect Tax

by Intuit Updated 8 months ago

Form 990 Part VII Officers Directors Trustees Key Employees Highest Compensated Employees

How do I enter information related to Form 990, Part VII Officers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, Highest Compensated Employees?

The information related to Form 990, Page 7, Part VII is entered under Officer, Directors, Trustees, Managers and Compensation and Hours. There are separate screens for each applicable type of employee:

  1. First, enter the Officer Information in  Officer, Directors, Trustees, Managers.

To enter the organizations' officer compensation and hours:

  1. Go to Input Return Expenses Compensation & Hours.
  2. Select Officers, Directors, Trustees Compensation.
  3. Enter the Officer Compensation and Other Information in the applicable fields for each person.

To list the organization's other compensation:

  • Enter the Compensation of Key Employees in Key Employees Compensation.
  • Enter the Compensation of the Five Highest Paid Employees in Comp. of Five Highest Paid Employees.
  • Enter Former Officers Compensation in Former Officers, Directors, Trustee Compensation.
  • Enter the Compensation of Highest Paid Contractors in Compensation of Highest Paid Contractors.
  • Enter Disqualified Persons Compensation in Disqualified Persons Compensation.
  • Enter Schedule J Information in Sch. J Compensation Questions.
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