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Common questions about Form 990 Officers Directors Trustee Compensation in Lacerte

by Intuit Updated 3 weeks ago

The information related to Form 990, Page 7, Part VII is entered in Screen 2, Officer, Directors, Trustees, Managers and Screen 38, Compensation and Hours. There are separate screens for each applicable type of employee.

First, enter the Officer Information in Screen 2, Officer, Directors, Trustees, Managers.

  1. Open to Screen 38.1, Officers, Directors, Trustees Compensation
  2. Enter the Officer Compensation and Other Information in the applicable fields for each person.
  • Enter the Compensation of Key Employees in Screen 38.2, Compensation of Key Employees.
  • Enter the Compensation of the Five Highest Paid Employees in Screen 38.3, Compensation of Five Highest Paid Employees.
  • Enter Former Officers Compensation in Screen 38.4, Former Officers, Directors, Trustee Compensation.
  • Enter the Compensation of Highest Paid Contractors in Screen 38.5, Compensation of Highest Paid Contractors.
  • Enter Disqualified Persons Compensation in Screen 38.6, Disqualified Persons Compensation.
  • Enter Schedule J Information in Screen 38.7, Sch. J Compensation Questions.

Note: Do not repeat information in any screen. If entered, the information will be doubled in Schedule E, Part VII.

  • To mark the box for an Individual Trustee or Director, Institutional Trustee, or Officer - Choose the appropriate Officer or Director Name in Screen 38.1, Officers, Directors, Trustees Compensation, and mark the related box.
  • To mark the box for Key Employee - Enter information in Screen 38.2, Compensation of Key Employees (do NOT duplicate input from Screen 2, Officers, Directors, Trustees).  The box on Form 990, Part VII, column C for Key Employee will check automatically.
  • To mark the box for Highest Compensated Employee - Enter information for the five highest paid employees in Screen 38.3, Compensation of Five Highest Paid Employees.  The box on Form 990, Part VII, column C for Highest compensated employee  with check automatically.
  • To mark the box for Former - Enter information for former officers, directors or trustees in Screen 38.4, Former Officers Directors, Trustees Compensation.  the box on Form 990, Part VI, column C for Former will check automatically.

Enter those in screen 38.1, Officers, Directors, Trustees Compensation in the section titled Officers, Directors, Trustee, Other Compensation; in the subsection Related Organization Compensation.

Column E Inputs:

  • Base compensation (code 22)
  • Bonus & incentive compensation (code 23)
  • Other compensation (code 24)

Column F Inputs:

  • Deferred compensation (code 25)
  • Nontaxable benefits (Code 26)

Generally, when the information doesn't flow to the form it means that one of the two required entries is missing.  To generate Compensation of Officers on Form 990, Part IX, Line 5: 

  1. Go to Screen 2, Officers, Directors, Trustees, Fund Managers, etc.
  2. Enter Officers, Directors, Trustees...
  3. Go to Screen 38, Compensation & Hours.
  4. Enter Compensation Received.
  5. Scroll down to the section Form 990.
  6. Enter a percentage in at least one of the lines for Percentage allocated to... (.xxxx or 1=100%) (Codes 500, 501, 502).

This will allow the amounts to show up in Column A as well as in the appropriate Columns B, C or D of Form 990 Part IX, line 5.

Lacerte Tax

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