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Common questions about Form 8606 in Lacerte

by Intuit2 Updated 1 month ago

This article answers frequently asked questions about Form 8606, Nondeductible IRAs.

Where do I enter nondeductible contributions for line 1?

  1. Go to Screen 24, Adjustments to Income.
  2. Enter the full dollar amount of traditional IRA contributions in IRA contributions (1=maximum deduction).
  3. Review the IRA Deduction Worksheet the program generates. If your client was covered by an employer retirement plan and is in the phaseout range, Lacerte will calculate the deductible and nondeductible portions of the contribution, and carry the result to line 1.

Why aren't amounts flowing to lines 7 or 8?

IRA distributions and conversions should flow automatically from your entries on Screen 13.1, Pensions, IRA Distributions. If these lines are blank, make sure that you've checked the IRA/SEP/SIMPLE box on the appropriate 1099-R input.

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