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Officer information and compensation for Form 1120 in ProConnect Tax

by Intuit Updated 1 year ago

This article will assist you with entering officer information and compensation in the Corporate module of Intuit ProConnect.

When total receipts from page 1 on Form 1120, U.S. Corporation Income Tax Return are $500,000 or more, Schedule 1125-E, Compensation of Officers will calculate. If total receipts are less than $500,000, the Schedule 1125-E won't generate, but the compensation total will still appear on Form 1120, page 1, line 12.

To enter officer information:

  1. Go to the Input Return tab.
  2. From the left of the screen, select General and choose Officer Information.
  3. Enter the officer's information for the following:
    • Officer Name
    • Street Address
    • City, State and ZIP Code
    • Social Security number
    • Officer Title
  4. Select the plus sign (+) near the top of the screen to add more officers.

To enter officer compensation for each officer:

  1. Go to the Input Return tab.
  2. From the left of the screen, select Deductions and choose Deductions again.
  3. Select Officer Compensation.
  4. Enter the Amount of compensation for each officer.
    • Select the hamburger button () near the top of the input screen to switch to Quick Entry.

To enter a total compensation for all officers:

  1. Go to the Input Return tab.
  2. From the left of the screen, select Deductions and choose Deductions again.
  3. Scroll down to the Salaries and Wages subsection.
  4. Locate the Officer Salaries subsection.
  5. Enter the amount in Officers salaries [Override].

To force Form 1125-E:

  1. Go to the Input Return tab.
  2. From the left of the screen, select Deductions and choose Deductions again.
  3. Scroll down to the Salaries and Wages subsection.
  4. Enter a 2 in Officers schedule (1125-E): 1=when applicable, 2=force [Override].

How to print only the last four digits of an Officer's SSN on Form 1125-E, instead of the whole SSN:

In a corporate return (1120):

  1. Go to the Input Return tab.
  2. On the left navigation menu, select Deductions Deductions.
  3. Scroll down to the Officer Salaries subsection.
  4. Enter a 1 in Print last 4 digits of officer SSNs: 1=yes, 2=no [Override].

In an S-corp return (1120S):

  1. Go to the Input Return tab.
  2. On the left navigation menu, select General > Officer Information (Miscellaneous).
  3. Enter a 1 in Print last 4 digits of officers' Social Security Numbers: 1=yes, 2=no [Override].
ProConnect Tax Online