Entering 1099-DIV box 9 and box 10 in Lacerte
by Intuit•5• Updated 1 year ago
Intuit Lacerte doesn't currently have dedicated input fields for 1099-DIV boxes 9 and 10. Follow the steps below to input.
- Go to Screen 17, Dispositions to enter the transaction.
- Enter the amount shown in Box 9 or Box 10 as the Sales price (code 27).
- Enter the known basis amount as the Cost or Basis (code 29).
- Enter the date of the basis investment, if known in Date acquired (code 25) or enter a negative date for various.
- Enter the date the corporation was liquidated as Date sold (code 26) or enter negative date for various.
- If necessary, use the 1=short term, 2=long term [O] (code 51).
For additional guidance, review IRS Pub. 550.