List of EasyACCT Data Files
by Intuit• Updated 2 weeks ago
The table below is a listing of all possible company data files.
- A company's files will end with the same 3-digit file extension, which corresponds to the Company ID. For example, all files for a company with the ID AAA will end in .AAA (For example, genled.aaa, empl.aaa, and so on).
- A company's files will vary based on what modules you use for that company. For example, if you don't use the Accounts Receivable module, most (or all) of the A/R files won't be present for that company.
Abbreviations key in the Table:
AMT = Amortization
AR = Accounts Receivables
AP = Accounts Payables
BR = Bank Reconciliation
DPR = Depreciation
EFT = Electronic Funds Transfer
PR = Payroll
WU = Write Up
List of Data Files
File Name | Purpose | Module |
A41xxxxx | User Report Selections | AR |
A4Bxxxxx | User Report Selections | BR |
A4Exxxxx | User Report Selections | EFT |
A4Gxxxxx | User Report Selections | WU |
A4Pxxxxx | User Report Selections | PR |
ADRDAT | Depreciation assets | DPR |
ADRDATX | Index to assets | DPR |
Amxxxxxx | Amortization schedule | AMT |
AORDER | Customer information for automatic transactions | AR |
AORDERX | Index to customer information for automatic transactions | AR |
AORDITM | Individual line items for automatic transactions | AR |
AORDITMX | Index to automatic transactions | AR |
APCHKS | Check transactions | AP |
APCHKSX | Index to check transactions | AP |
APDIST | Account distribution for invoices | AP |
APDISTX | Index for account distribution | AP |
APJE## | Distribution of payables activity to the general ledger | AP, WU |
APPOPS | Product purchase summary | AP |
APPOPSX | Index to product purchase summary | AP |
APTRAN | Invoice transactions | AP |
APTRANX | Index to invoice transactions | AP |
ARDIST | Transaction types | AR |
ARDISTX | Index to transaction types | AR |
ARJE## | Distribution of AR activity to general ledger | AR, WU |
ARPSRS | Product sales and returns summary | AR |
ARPSRSX | Index to sales and returns summary | AR |
AUTOINV | Automatic transactions | AP |
AUTOINVX | Index to automatic transactions | AP |
AUTOTR## | Automatic entries posted by the general ledger | WU |
B1AXXXXX | User Report Selections | AP |
CASH## | Sales journal entries | WU |
CASHTR## | Sales journal entries posted by the general ledger | WU |
CASHX## | Index to the sales journal entries | WU |
CBAxxxxx | Current bank transactions | BR |
CBILL | Company billing information | WU |
CBOxxxxx | Current book transactions | BR |
CC | Computed checks (through Batch Payroll module) | PR |
CCX | Index to computed checks | PR |
COMPANY | General company information | ALL |
COMPANY2 | Additional company information | ALL |
CUST | Customer information | AR |
CUSTNOTE | Customer notes | AR |
CUSTNOTX | Index to customer notes | AR |
CUSTSHP | Customer shipping address | AR |
CUSTCHPX | Index to customer shipping address | AR |
CUSTX | Index to customer information | AR |
CSHJE | Sales journal entry descriptions | WU |
CWBILL | Company billing information | WU |
DEFAULTS | Holds default methods and lives for assets set up in the Depreciation option | DPR |
DRECX | Index to deleted records | ALL |
EMPL | Employee payroll information | WU, PR |
EMPLX | Index to employee primary files | WU, PR |
EZBANKS | Bank file | BR, PR WU, EFT |
EZBANKX | Index to bank file | BR, EFT, PR, WU |
FORMAT | The financial report layout | WU |
FORMATA | Financial Report Templates | WU |
FORMATAX | Index to the Financial Statement Templates | WU |
FORMATD | Custom Financial Statements | WU |
FORMATDX | Index to the Custom Financial Statements | WU |
GENLED | Chart of accounts and the account balances | ALL |
GENLEDX | Index to the general ledger | ALL |
GLGRAPH | Data entered for graphic presentations | WU |
GLTRAN## | Transaction data file containing all the month's regular transactions. (The number of month is shown immediately after the name GLTRAN.) | WU |
GROUP | Asset group names | DPR |
LAYOUT | The automatic layout design | WU |
LAYOUTA | Financial Statement Templates | WU |
LAYOUTD | Custom Financial Statements | WU |
Lexxxxxx | Employee letters | WU, PR |
LFxxxxxx | Financial letters | WU |
LVxxxxxx | Vendor letters | WU |
LOCATION | Asset location descriptions | DPR |
LTDAT | Local tax IDs, descriptions, and codes | PR, WU |
ORDER | Customer information for Transactions | AR |
ORDITM | Individual line items for AR transactions | AR |
OTDAT | Other tax IDs, descriptions, and codes | PR, WU |
PBAxxxxx | Prior bank transactions | BR |
PBILL | Company billing information | PR |
PBOxxxxx | Prior book transactions | BR |
POTERMS | Purchasing Terms Codes | WU |
PRDCOST | Products and Services Prices | AR |
PRJE## | Payroll journal entry, the number of month is shown immediately after the name PRJE | PR, WU |
PRMMDD## | File imported from Batch Payroll that contains direct deposit advices | EFT |
PRODCODE | Product and Services Codes | AR |
PRTRAN## | Payroll transaction data file containing all of the month's payroll entries. (The number of months is shown immediately after the name PRTRAN.) | PR, WU |
PRTRAX## | Index to the monthly payroll file | PR, WU |
RECJE | Recurring journal entries | WU |
R#xxxxxx | Report selection files | WU |
STDAT | State tax Ids | PR, WU |
SUTA | SUTA rate information | PR, WU |
TAXDATA | Used for printing of tax forms (Depreciation only) | DPR |
TAXFEDWH | FICA and Federal Withholding tax deposit data | PR |
TAXFUTA | Federal Unemployment tax deposit data | PR |
TAXLIST | Used for printing of tax forms and transfers to tax programs (Depreciation only) | DPR |
TAXSUTA | State Unemployment tax deposit data | PR |
TAXxxxOTH | Other State Withholding tax deposit data | PR |
TAXxxxLT | Local Withholding tax deposit data | PR |
TAXxxST | State Withholding tax deposit data | PR |
TR | Transaction data file (through Batch Payroll module) | PR |
TSxxxxxx | Import/export file name | ALL |
VENDOR | Vendor information | WU |
VENDORX | Index to vendor files | WU |
WCOMP | Workman's compensation information | PR |
WCOMPX | Index to workman's compensation information | PR |