Printing General Ledger or Cumulative General Ledger reports
by Intuit• Updated 1 year ago
How do you print the General Ledger or Cumulative General Ledger (Year-to-Date General Ledger) reports in EasyACCT?
How to print the General Ledger (monthly activity)
- Go to Print Reports, Transaction Reports, and select General Ledger.
- Enter a month and year. (This will default to the last month accessed in the Enter Transactions screen.)
- Leave the account range fields blank to print the entire General Ledger.
- If you want to print for an account range, enter beginning and ending account numbers.
- Entering an account range will almost always result in an out-of-balance error because the debits often won't match the credit transactions for the specified range.
- This report isn't date sensitive.
- This means any transaction entered within a particular month (even if the transaction date is for another month) will be included on the report.
- Select Print, Begin Printing.
- Preview on the screen or select Print to Printer.
How to print the Cumulative General Ledger (year-to-date activity)
- Go to Print Reports, Transaction Reports, and select Cumulative General Ledger.
- Enter a From and To date.
- The dates need to be in the same fiscal or calendar year and can span multiple months.
- This report is date sensitive.
- Select Print, Begin Printing.
- Preview on the screen or select Print to Printer.