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Common questions about Diagnostics and Suggestions in ProConnect Tax

by Intuit5 Updated 9 months ago

Down below are answers to frequently asked questions about diagnostics types.

Diagnostic types & meanings

Diagnostic typeMeaning
Fatal DiagnosticsFatal diagnostics will trigger
an agency rejection upon e-filing.
Hence, they can’t be ignored.
EF Critical DiagnosticsE-file critical diagnostics will
prevent you from e-filing the return
until resolved.
Extension DiagnosticsExtension diagnostics will
prevent you from e-filing the return
until resolved.
Critical DiagnosticsCritical diagnostics run the risk of
an agency response, but won't
impact your ability to e-file.
OverridesOverrides are manual entries
that bypass program calculations.
SuggestionsSuggestions are informational
items that require review.

Common questions

Why won't my diagnostic disappear?Not all diagnostics will apply to your client's return, some are more informational than actionable (even if they are listed as Critical). Review the diagnostic and verify if the information provided is actionable to your clients return. If so, correct the return as needed. If not, check the "Ignore" box to mark it as complete.
What is the diagnostic reference number?The reference number is a way for support to quickly identify diagnostics that are generating in our database. It appears at the very end of the diagnostic message.
How do I get more information about a diagnostic?There are many help articles that address specific diagnostics in the program. The best way to search for these is to use the numeric digits from the diagnostic reference number. For example, to find information on Reference #1253, enter '1253' in search.

Articles aren't available for every diagnostic. Most diagnostics don't require additional information.
How do I disable critical diagnostics to e-file a return?In ProConnect Tax, certain critical diagnostics must be cleared before you can e-file the return. If you believe a critical diagnostic does not apply to your return, and wish to e-file with the diagnostic present, you can check the Ignore box to disregard it. However, this may result in an e-file rejection.

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