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How do I use the HomeBase View in ProSeries Basic

by Intuit5 Updated 4 months ago

For more Print & PDF resources, check out our Troubleshooting page for Print & PDF where you'll find answers to the most commonly asked questions.

How do I make the font on HomeBase smaller or larger?

To adjust the HomeBase font size:

  1. Click once on a client to highlight them.
  2. Hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard.
  3. Slowly scroll the wheel of your mouse up or down until you're satisfied with the size.

Advanced filtering:

  1. Locate the column you want to filter by.
  2. Hover over the column heading and click the filter icon.
  3. Add a checkmark to the value you want to filter by.
  4. The HomeBase will now be filtered to the selected value.
  5. To reset your view click Clear Filter. 

How to find clients quickly in your HomeBase View

  1. From the HomeBase menu, select Find.
  2. In the search box, enter in the client's name, file name, or Social Security number to quickly find them in the list.

You export the HomeBase View to a CSV file that can be opened in Excel.

  1. Make sure you're on the HomeBase View, not in a client.
  2. From the HomeBase menu, select Export Contacts.
  3. When the message "Contacts have been exported to the file C:\BasWinYY\Common\Exports\Contacts.csv" appears, click OK.
  4. Minimize ProSeries.
  5. Browse to C:\BasWinYY\Common\Exports using Windows File Explorer.
  6. In the Exports folder, you'll find the Contacts CSV file.

You can now print your HomeBase view:

  1. Select the view to print from the HomeBase View dropdown box.
  2. From the HomeBase menu, select Print HomeBase.
  3. Next select Print HomeBase.
  4. Make sure the printer is correct in the Print window.
  5. Click OK.
ProSeries Basic

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