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How to resolve Lacerte diagnostic ref. 2000184

by Intuit Updated 1 year ago

This article will help you resolve the following diagnostic, electing to expense intangible drilling and development (IDC) for nonproductive wells:

  • Oil and Gas property #X:  Dry hole expenses of $XX have been entered. For this amount to be allowed as a deduction, the nonproductive well must have been completed in the current tax year and an election must be attached to the return. (Ref #2000184)
  1. Go to Screen 46 Elections.
  2. Select Election 1 from the left-side menu.
  3. Scroll down to Election to Expense IDC for Nonproductive Wells Section.
  4. Place a checkmark in the box Expense intangible drilling & development costs [263(c)].
  5. Enter a Description of well and Total costs incurred to complete the statement.
  1. Go to Screen 38 Elections.
  2. Select Election 1 from the left-side menu.
  3. Scroll down to Election to Expense IDC for Nonproductive Wells Section.
  4. Place a checkmark in the box Expense intangible drilling & development costs [263(c)].
  5. Enter a Description of well and Total costs incurred to complete the statement.
  1. Go to Screen 41 Elections.
  2. Select Election 1 from the left-side menu.
  3. Scroll down to Election to Expense IDC for Nonproductive Wells Section.
  4. Place a checkmark in the box Expense intangible drilling & development costs [263(c)].
  5. Enter a Description of well and Total costs incurred to complete the statement.
  1. Go to Screen 33 Elections.
  2. Select Election 1 from the left-side menu.
  3. Scroll down to Election to Expense IDC for Nonproductive Wells Section.
  4. Place a checkmark in the box Expense intangible drilling & development costs [263(c)].
  5. Enter a Description of well and Total costs incurred to complete the statement.
  1. Go to Screen 50 Elections.
  2. Select Bene Election 1 from the left-side menu.
  3. Scroll down to Election to Expense IDC for Nonproductive Wells Section.
  4. Place a checkmark in the box Expense intangible drilling & development costs [263(c)].
  5. Enter a Description of well and Total costs incurred to complete the statement.
Lacerte Tax