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How to enter Oregon PTE in ProSeries

by Intuit Updated 4 months ago

This article will help you report the Oregon elective pass-through entity tax (sometimes called PTE, PTET, or SALT workaround) credit in the ProSeriesprogram.

To claim the credit on an individual return:

Claim the credit on the Form OR-ASC or OR-ASC-NP as a refundable credit using the code 900. 

  1. Open the Oregon state return.
  2. Press F6 to bring up Open Forms.
  3. Type Credits and click OK to open the Other Credits Statement.
  4. Scroll down to page 2.
  5. Under Refundable Credits enter the amount for code 900 Pass-through entity elective taxes paid.

To claim the credit on a pass-through entity return:

Pass-through entities (PTEs) electing to pay the PTE elective tax (PTE-E tax) use Form OR-21 to report their income, tax, and payments. However, the ProSeries program does not currently support the Form OR-21. The Form OR-21 can be completed online through the Oregon Website. For more information, please visit the Pass-Through Entity Elective (PTE-E) Tax page on the Oregon Website

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