How to enter Arkansas PTE in Lacerte
by Intuit• Updated 6 months ago
Down below we'll go over how to report the Arkansas elective pass-through entity tax (sometimes called PTE, PTET, or SALT workaround) and the resulting credit in Lacerte.
Table of contents:
- Go to Screen 20, Passthrough K-1's.
- Under Share of Current Year Income (Loss) section enter the amount on the PTE Adjustment {AR} line. Positive amounts flow to the state as a Addition to income, negative amounts flow to the state as a Subtraction to income.
- This will flow to the Form AR-OI as an adjustment.
- Income amounts show on line 14 as a Subtraction from income.
- Loss amounts flow to line 7 as an addition to income.
To activate the PTE calculation:
- Go to Screen 37.351 Arkansas Miscellaneous Information.
- Check the Electing PET box to activate the calculations.
- Add a 1 to the AR362 Pass-Through Entity Election Form line.
- Make any additional adjustments as needed to screen 37.351
- Review the AR1100PET to review the calculations.
- Go to Screen 42.351 Arkansas Miscellaneous Information.
- Check the Electing PET box to activate the calculations.
- Add a 1 to the AR362 Pass-Through Entity Election Form line.
- Make any additional adjustments as needed to screen 42.351
- Review the AR1100PET to review the calculations.