The following diagnostic is generating:

Form 1116, Part II: A foreign currency conversion statement is required for foreign taxes reported as paid in foreign currency. Please note: If Form 1116 was triggered due to entries for interest, dividends (via screens 11, 12),etc., and not via the Foreign Tax Credit area (screen 35), entering the conversion statement (in screen 35) will now trigger an additional 1116 column unless the foreign source that relates to the conversion statement is tied to the new Form 1116. This can be done in the interest, dividends etc., screen that has the foreign taxes by choosing the correct Form 1116 in the ""Form 1116 name or number [O]"" field located in the foreign section. The tying of the foreign source to Form 1116 in this case is required and may cause an efile reject if not completed as the statement will not be rendered in the efile.


If income tax withheld was reported to the taxpayer in foreign currency, the IRS wants to know how that conversion was done: Screen 35 > Foreign Taxes Paid or Accrued > enter explanation in Foreign currency conversion (Ctrl+E) If all income tax withheld was reported to the taxpayer in US Dollars make sure following are blank: Screen 11 > Foreign Account and Foreign Tax Credit > Foreign income tax withheld (foreign currency) Screen 12 > Foreign Tax Credit > Foreign income tax withheld (foreign currency) Screen 20.1 > Line 16 - Foreign Transactions > Foreign Tax WIthheld (Foreign Currency) Screen 20.2 > Line 14 - Foreign Transactions > Foreign Tax WIthheld (Foreign Currency) Screen 20.3 > Foreign Transactions (between lines 11 and 12) > Foreign Tax WIthheld (Foreign Currency) Screen 35 > Foreign Taxes Paid or Accrued > Foreign Currency subsection

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