Status changed to: Declined

Thanks for the feedback. The Actual amount in the PSB is designed to tie to the tax return imported so users have confidence the data imported is accurate, and we have no plans to change that, based on hundreds of user interviews. Also, there are too many hidden fields that support the calculated values in the Actual column to just 'edit' the values. 

Today, you must start a tax plan with a tax return. The more detail included in the tax return, the better the strategy recommendations will be. There may come  a day when you can create a tax plan without a tax return, but that is not currently on our roadmap. 

If you don't want the precision of preparing the return in ProConnect and importing it as filed, then the fast method is leave the Actual amount incorrect or $0 and edit the PSB baseline column as needed to get a starting point for 2024.  Depending on the complexity of the client, that may be an 'efficient' way to start.