
I would like the client deliverable to include 3 columns: 

Prior year actual

Current year baseline without strategies

Current year with strategies 

To show the comparison with and without the strategies, and also a report that shows the detail of the input - at least have it as an option to export to show support for the amounts on the report. 

Inutit Tax Advisor now lets Pros compare their clients' tax projections with and without strategies for the projected year selected.

Status: Implemented
Vote now if this is a good idea
Status changed to: Open for Voting

Thanks KK! To clarify, I edited your suggestion from ' current year projected' to 'current year baseline without strategies'.

We have heard others say they would like to tell clients 'your tax liability is $X if we do nothing, but if we implement some planning strategies it would $Y.  And that can be more helpful than prior year actual vs current year with strategies. 

If you agree with this idea, vote for it! 

Level 4
Level 4

There are a couple other suggestions that are saying something similar.  Currently the reports it generates look very thin on numbers and specifics.  I'd like to be able to show clients something that makes it more obvious that there are a lot of details and calculations going into that end result. Only some clients will care about the actual details, but what's important is showing that a lot of detailed numbers and computation went into this, it wasn't just a back of the napkin rough estimate. 

I would like the option to include the entire pre-strategy baseline with all the details, and all the details after each strategy is applied also.  I want to be able to show all those numbers that went into that final result. 

ITA reports would be much more versatile to use if we could generate a comparison report with line items similar to the prior year comparison report in PTO.  This is a great way to present the impact of changes with clients.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Status changed to: Implemented

Inutit Tax Advisor now lets Pros compare their clients' tax projections with and without strategies for the projected year selected.

Level 4
Level 4

I didn't see any changes to the Client Report.  So I don't think that change that IntuitGabi is something that shows up on client reports, which is unfortunate because that's where we are wanting there to be more information for the clients.