Level 1

Does anyone know which table, series, code, etc. is used for Form 7203, Part I, Line 15?  This is a computed value but has to be stored somewhere as it carries over to the next year for the entity and the shareholder's K1.

0 Cheers
Level 4

Just because a number rolls forward to next year, does not mean that it is stored someplace.  When you do the Pro Forma process for a return, it is re-calculated at that moment (and the numbers may change, if you do not have it Locked) and those numbers move forward.

Unless you can find it in "something which you can F3/Filter on", or in the "columns you can put on the Client List view from the Display tab in Ctrl+O(ptions)," then there is no database field for it.

Robert Kirk

0 Cheers
Level 1

Understood.  And thanks for the prompt response.
Any possibility of exposing such fields through some API of sorts?

0 Cheers
Level 15

As noted, when something is computed from source data, down to as many generations as that line, it isn't really stored. It's computed and recomputed, and in this case, subtotaled behind the line total.

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
0 Cheers
Level 1

Hence my request for an API.  So it can be dynamically fetched as and when needed. 😊

0 Cheers
Level 4

Except your API request is "process this return with Lacerte."

All the SDK does is let you connect to the DATA, be it in the stored tables ("this return has this form", or "this amount is stored in the Tax Summary", or "this person made this F4 status on this date"...)  *OR* to look at the raw input data in the client detail.
  (And you really are better off thinking of the stored numbers as being "what is in the Tax Summary"/2-year comparison, rather than "what appears on the 1040 form."  Some of them are not used [sub-sections of Itemized Deductions are calculated & stored, even when the net result is "use Standard"] but they're saved anyhow.)

Everything in the F3/Filter settings, as well as anything that you can Display into your Client List, is all that you have to work with.

Robert Kirk

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