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Which tax returns can I import?

2022 Intuit Tax Advisor imports Lacerte and ProConnect individual returns for tax year 2021.

We have many strategies for business clients which are all planned from the owner’s individual return.

Can I create plans from scratch without importing a tax return?

No. At this time, Intuit Tax Advisor is only available for clients whose returns you file in Lacerte or ProConnect.

You must have an active current year license for Lacerte or ProConnect in order to use Intuit Tax Advisor. ProSeries Basic and ProSeries Professional don’t currently integrate with Intuit Tax Advisor.

Which strategies will the program automatically check for?

Intuit Tax Advisor searches potential triggers in the tax data to create tax insights. For example, if your client was near the threshold for itemizing deductions, Intuit Tax Advisor may suggest bunching itemized deductions in even years and taking the standard deduction in odd years.

For more, visit the article: Common questions about using Intuit Tax Advisor

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