Level 11

For your information Mr Fireball is about to have his 19th nervous breakdown over form 8915F.

I need a lot of fireball to keep me calm down.

Level 15

You probably need a lot of Fireball because you have most likely built up a tolerance to it after drinking it for 95 years 😉

Slava Ukraini!
Level 11

Since I will turn 79 next wendsday that is quite a feat.

Level 15

In case I forget next week - Happy Birthday!!  🎂 

Slava Ukraini!

Since I will turn 79 next wendsday that is quite a feat.

Happy Birthday but don't expect ProSeries to give you Form 8915F as a birthday present in the following day's update.  I am betting it will be "unexpectedly" delayed again.



Level 7

I am more than happy to jump on Pro Series when it is appropriate but this form is one that changes every year based on the disasters that year.  They no longer make new forms just add to this one.


Level 15

Mr Cooley 

can you set up a round of Fireball shots for all those preparers that are stressing over the 1099 MWP issue ?    

Thank you, 


PS  I'd like one (or four) myself  -just for the fun of it

Level 15

What preparers?  Most of those people took a bus ride over from Turdddotaxxx.

Slava Ukraini!
0 Cheers
Level 11

Thank You. Be sure to buy stock in fireball since I am sure with all that is going to be consume next week the value of stock is bound to go up.

Level 11

WE are only a week away from being finalised. They wouyld not dare move back again.  Would they?

Level 11

There is one thing different this year from last year. The main reason for the disaster last year  was with the IRS. The main reason for the disaster this year is entirely on Intuits shoulders.

0 Cheers
Level 11

Are you sure 4 is enough? As I just said in a previous post buy stock right now in fireball because I am certain the stock value will go up next week.   One more thing. Mr Cooley was my fathers name My name is Richard.