Level 4

Hello All! Whos ready for another crazy season?!?!😁

0 Cheers
Level 11
Level 11

already have a lot of clients scheduled.. ready to go. 

Level 4

Really? Man you lucky! 👍

0 Cheers
Level 11
Level 11

I send a letter out to my clients in early January announcing another tax season is here, making a bullet point list of some common tax items for them to look for, and then inviting them to email or to call me to set up their tax appointment.  Sent over 1,000 letters out and i have been getting a lot of phone calls where they found me online or got my name and number from a friend. 

View solution in original post

Level 15

 I'm NOT ready but had first appt for individual return preparation this morning anyhow.  Knew we couldn't finish but client wants/needs return done as soon as possible.  I like to get the PITAs in and out.

Level 4
0 Cheers
Level 4

Thats a brilliant Idea!. Your good. Ima do that next time, Thanks for that.

0 Cheers
Level 11
Level 11

not too late to do that now. 

0 Cheers
Level 11

My annual letter to clients always lists a cut-off date.  Typically the last Sunday in March.  I'll accept additional / final info after that but will not start any new ones (yeah, that happens...) after that date.  It's amazing, I now have 500 appointments for March 26th and none before.  Like doing homework at the last minute........

Level 15

@dkh has it half right:

"I like to get the PITAs in and out"

I just like to get the PITAs out ----------- I don't really care to ever let them in 😊

Slava Ukraini!
Level 11

I   dont know if there is enough fireball whiskey to get me completely ready, 

Level 15

I am ready to see sasquatch, but that doesn't mean that I want too.....