Level 15

This update was posted yesterday by IRS on their "Operations" page.  I haven't seen it mentioned elsewhere.

E-filing your 2020 tax return: To e-file you will need to enter your AGI from your tax year 2019 tax return. If your 2019 return has not yet been processed, you may enter $ 0 (zero) as your prior year Adjusted Gross Income. If you used the Non-Filers: Enter Payment Info Here tool last year to register for an Economic Impact Payment, enter “$1” as your prior year AGI.


Level 15
Level 15
Thats for DIYers than need to use prior year AGI to Efile.

Level 4

so then this doesnt affect us tax preparers?

  I do have  new client who told me he has not filed in 3 years.   ( yea I know, might want to run from this , but i think its a case of being lazy)

 Can I still efile  current year

0 Cheers
Level 15

FWIW - a friend who uses TurboTax told me this did not solve the efile rejection for his 2020 return.

The more I know the more I don’t know.