Level 5

We've had bad weather in the East and IRS hasn't helped things announcing that they are not processing e-filing until the 12th, but am I the only one who is off to a dramatically slow start this tax season?  Perhaps Covid is effecting people's behaviors too.

Level 15
Level 15

My regular clients are rolling in pretty much on schedule, Ive had quite a few new clients as well (seems like lots of preparers in my area have retired...good year for it!).  But its pretty quiet in here, the phone has only rang a dozen times in the past 6 hours....Im tapping out early if the phone stays quiet!  🙂

Level 5

It WOULD have been a good year to retire. It will be the tax season from hell, for sure.

Level 15

It will be the tax season from hell

I'd change that to It will be the second tax season from hell

The more I know the more I don’t know.
Level 15

Were there two seasons?  Last tax season never really seemed to end and just kinda merged into the new year.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 5


Level 15

Same here.

The more I know the more I don’t know.