Not applicable

Hi everyone,

I'm working on some tax returns for commercial real estate owners. I read this website: and it said that lease commissions under $5,000 should be expensed. However, I'm not seeing that in the code section except 1.263(a)-4(d)(6)(v). But I don't think the 263 regs apply since this is not something the company created. Does anybody have any idea where in the code section it says lease commissions under $5,000 can be expensed?


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Level 15

Please ignore. Misread

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Level 15

George, the title of (d) is "Created Intangibles", which is why the OP doesn't think that applies to a non-created intangible.


EDIT:  George changed his answer while I was typing my original comment.   🙂

Level 15

The article you linked to is undated. I would be cautious about using that info as a reference.

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