Level 1

Tax refunds  - not received.    IRS indicates in process.  Returns were e-file February 24, 2020.

What is the best method to determine the delay?


0 Cheers
Level 15

During the early COVID months, the IRS only had about 12 employees working.  They have now brought back another 12 or 13 who are working very hard but it is going to be awhile before they get caught up.  A lot of folks are sitting in limbo regarding their refunds so its a case of misery loves company.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 15

You can call the Practioner Hot Line (if you can get thru) and they can sometimes shake things loose.

HumanKind... Be Both
Level 15

I had to contact TAS for myself a few years ago. Refund held due to unusual return AND I input the wrong amount for SS income. TAS did shook the return loose in December. 

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