Level 4

Hello All!!!

Ok, so i have a young client who was 17 for TY 2021. His parents haven't filed in a million years but beside that could he be eligible for the 1400 rebate credit? I'm aware of your AGI for prev years etc... just hoping someone can remember that far back....? Pretty sure for 2020 and being 16 and not ever working or filing, client wouldn't qualify for stimulus 1 or 2.

My thinking is, He may be eligible for the 1400 2021 stimulus?

Hoping someone can toss me a bone!! Just a few more days and we can all take a break!!!

0 Cheers
Level 15

Go to irs.gov and see what they have. They have been making announcements that time is running out to claim this.

The more I know the more I don’t know.
Level 15

Wasn't the rule:   Not eligible if can be claimed as a dependent

Level 15

As dkh pointed out, if the client met the qualifications of being a dependent, he does not qualify for the credit.  It does not matter if the parents actually claimed him or not.

Level 4

Thank you for your response. I actually got it figured out and solved. his parent did claim him, but I'm also thinking regardless of that factor he wouldn't qualify due to no income prev years and very little income for 2021.