Level 3

when is efile season open again so I can efile previous year tax return (2018) I thought it was 1/21/2020, is it now next week?


0 Cheers
Level 15


Slava Ukraini!
Level 15
Level 15

Barring any unforeseen circumstances, its the 27th.

Level 3

ok, I thought I read that for Individuals.


Level 15

Some folks were guessing that 1/21 might be the date, but when the official word was rolled out, 1/27 was the winner.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 3

yes, when I called in the December and Beg. of Jan I was told 1/21, so had on my calendar to efile today, but got a denial, so figured they pushed it back, now if they would only push back some other deadlines


Level 2

I believe efile is available again now. I was successful in efiling a Corp on 1/15.

Level 15

It has *always* been 1.26.20 for individuals - per the official IRS announcement.

Business efile reopened 1.7.20 (I think that's when it was..).


HumanKind... Be Both
Level 3

looking for individual, form 1040 for 2018 to efile.


Level 15

Efile for individuals  is closed until 1.27.20 - for any/all open years.  Including 2018...

See this announcement - which is tagged to the right of the forum, at the top >>>>>>>

HumanKind... Be Both
Level 3

I got rejection code 1/27/2020 that says tax year 2018 1040 transmissions are not available- tax year 2018 1040 will not be eligible for efiling  until mid to late February.  The IRS has not updated their systems for TY18 due to exentenders and the focus on TY19.  Prosereis will not be acepting 2018 1040 returns until further notice. ......  


0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15

Yes, Intuit put out that notice a few days ago, 2018 return EFiling has been delayed by IRS, theyre not ready for them yet due to the extenders.  We can thank Congress for their last minute law changes.

Level 3

have they opened up 2018 efile season yet???

when i try to search for it, it only brings up 2019 postings, nothing for current time for 2018 efile.

0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15

REFRESH updates (a choice in the Updates drop down menu) and 2018 can be Efiled now.   The tax extenders still are not computing, so if the return has any tax extenders on it, you may want to wait until later this month once they've all been updated to Efile those returns.

0 Cheers
Level 3

and i am now having some issue with program not being updated.. and it wont' work , guess i have to call proseries and be on hold a few hours.

no extenders on this return, so it should be ok to efile


0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15

Did you use the REFRESH option?   Not just regular check for updates.


0 Cheers
Level 3

thank you thank you!!!!!! it worked and i efiled it!!!! you just saved me some hours!!!

Level 5

Thank you!

Level 15


This is a year-old thread...the dates are irrelevant for the 2021 filings.

See the new & improved version here:

HumanKind... Be Both