Level 2

tried several times to efile a 2019 amendnment

am getting this message

what am I doing wrong

bill bringham 


April 15, 2023 09:00 PM PDT

The Intuit Electronic Filing System is having difficulty recognizing the data you are sending. First make sure your product is up to date. Then open the return and run Final Review. Save the return and try sending it again. If you still cannot transmit the return please contact technical support for assistance. - E-File for this agency and filing type is no longer available. - E-file for this Agency and Filing Type is no longer available. Please file any pending returns on paper.

0 Cheers
Level 15

IRS has closed efiling for tax year 2019 which would include a 2019 amended return.   You will need to mail the amendment.

Level 15

For future reference - only 3 years of e-filing are open at one time.  For star date 4/16/23, that means 2022, 2021, and 2020 are currently open.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 2


irs agent said i could still e-file

but will put it in the mail today




0 Cheers