Level 3

Title says it all, how many client's can EasyACCT handle or what is the most you have seen? 

0 Cheers
Level 3

I currently have 93 clients that I work with in EasyACCT for payroll processing.

Level 3

I believe EasyAcct can handle as many clients as you can.

Level 8

I have #663 client files in my EasyACCT directories. Since 2005 I have accumulated that number which includes files of the same client by Year. 

Level 15

Be very, very careful when #666 appears.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 8

Oh I will. Not sure if it makes a difference having them in TWO separate directories and to reach 666 would have to combine the two together into one directory?

Level 3

Hey Troese,


I see you said you handle payroll for 93 clients. 


Do you do Direct Deposit for these clients? If yes, how do you handle it? Do you process it or send them the ACH file? 

0 Cheers
Level 3


We are a small family owned business ourselves and most of our clients are also small businesses (like under 20 employees), so only 2 of our clients actually do direct deposit.  The other clients either we print out physical checks for them or they write out their own checks to the employees, we just tell then what the amounts are.

For the direct deposit setup - we actually have the client set it up with their bank that they use for payroll processing and then meet with a bank rep to get setup online with said bank to process the ACH.

I haven't figured out much with the EasyACCT program when I started. Yes, it was 12 years ago, but not much "down time" to play with the program.  And unfortunately, there are no classes or videos or even manuals on this program to get an idea on how to do things.

I hope this helps.