Level 3
Level 15

For the most part, no, you don't need that.  I think that is only for special situations where you make an election to transfer a credit or apply it elsewhere.


Level 3

I have been told that critical diagnostic is incorrect, and I agree per the instructions.

Level 3

not resolved.

i go to screen 34 and then investment credit. under solar i enter the information they are requesting and i still get that crazy critical diagnostic. lacerte tells me i need the IRS issued Registration number but no one there actually has a clue. most of the tech support is clueless. 

if you have any suggestions i would appreciate it. 




Level 3

I was told by someone who talked with Lacerte that the diagnostic you are referring to will be fixed once the form 3800 is included with the program.  Right now, Lacerte is projecting March 7 for form 3800. 

Level 3

Wow.. Thank you for taking the time to reply. Appreciated.

That would be nice to get rid of that diagnostic lol!


Level 2

We were hoping the 3/5/24 update would fix this diagnostic issue, but it appears that nothing has changed.  We really need Lacerte to fix this soon as we have returns waiting to be e-filed.