Level 4

Quite a few years ago now there used in the Partnership program of Lacerte the California Income Tax Summary used to show Income, Deductions, S179, charitable contributions, etc.  One year someone decided that only the trade income, expenses and ordinary income/loss needed to be shown on the CA tax summary.  So now you have to search through the return to confirm that other items (ie: S179, charitable contributions, etc and assets and liabilities are already shown on the Federal tax summary and therefore are redundant to show on the California tax summary.  That was never true, because S179 and charitable contributions could always be different.  But now that we have to calculate California capital on the California tax basis, the balance sheet numbers will also be different.  Since there are no control totals for California in the partnership program, it would be especially helpful if those numbers could at least be brought back to the California Tax summary for quick and easy verification that the returns is correct.

Level 8
Level 8

Put this in the "Tax Idea Exchange" on here for others to upvote for you.

*If this (or another answer/reply) solves your problem, please click "Accept as Solution" to get this post out of the "Unanswered" queue of posts.*

View solution in original post

Level 4

Thanks.  Done and done.

Level 8
Level 8

I found it and upvoted it for you.  For others to have a direct link: https://accountants.intuit.com/community/lacerte-tax-idea-exchange/california-partnership-income-tax...

*If this (or another answer/reply) solves your problem, please click "Accept as Solution" to get this post out of the "Unanswered" queue of posts.*
Level 4

Awesome.  Thank you!

0 Cheers